It is oftentimes useful to be able to transfer or save nan photos on the SD card. Indeed, in the event that you are the type to take a lot of pics, the internal memory of nan can be quickly saturate. So, to make room on the internal memory of nan, we will see how to set the pics on the SD card of the cellphone. We will first of all see the method to move the pics on the SD card. We will see on the other hand tips on how to do this using an application. At last, we will see how to set the default record for photos on the nan SD card.
Tips on how to upload photos to nan’s SD card
This process doesn’t work on all models. If it does not function on your nan, make use of the following process to move the pics. In order to transfer photos to the SD card, you will need to go to the File Manager application on your nan, and then IMAGE . Once you are there, you just have to select the album to transfer while remaining pressed a few secs. A small menu should appear and you simply have to click on CUT. When it is done, decide on the SD card and copy your photos to the nan’s SD card will start. That is it, your photos are transferred to the SD card.
Use an application to move pics from nan to SD card
There are many applications that can let you move your photos to the nan’s SD card. We have selected for you the ES File Explorer application for its straightforwardness and functionality. You must download and install this application on the nan. When done, open it and navigate to the images folder. You must after that decide on the pics to move and press MOVE TO and finally select SDCARD . That is it, the pics are moved.
How to set the default recording of nan pics on the SD card
If you want all new pics you take with your nan to be saved directly to the SD card, you will have to change the storage’s default location. To do this, you have to open the PHOTO application. When done, you have to press PARAMETER which is represented by a small gear . When there, you must decide on the SD Card option for the default location. After that, your new photos will likely be saved on the nan SD card.