How to copy paste on Hisense

Knowing how to copy paste textual content on the Hisense is totally important. In fact, there is nothing more practical than copy paste. We assume that you do not wish to re-write each time. It is for this reason that we made the decision to make this tiny tutorial to find out how to make a copy paste on a Hisense. We will see at first how to copy paste text on Hisense and we will see in a second, how to copy paste documents.copy-paste-Hisense

Tips on how to copy paste on your own Hisense

Select the textual content with your Hisense

The initial step to producing a copy paste on your own Hisense is the text selections. To select the written text you want to copy paste, you need to show the 2 small brackets that will be used to select the textual content. There are 2 techniques to get these small hooks appear and they vary depending on the phones. The primary is to stay pressed for some secs on the text. The second is to touch the text two times. When ever the 2 square brackets appear, you just have to move them to pick the text.

Copy the text you desire to paste onto your Hisense

To be able to copy the text you just selected on your own Hisense, you must click on the icon that represents two sheets. It might be present at the top of your display screen. As soon it is carried out, the text is in the clipboard and is ready to be pasted.

Paste the text

Once you have selected and copied the written text on the Hisense, you just need to paste it. To accomplish this, you must go to the page where you wish to paste the text. If you are there, you need to press the place where you like to paste the text and click on the icon paste.

How to Copy Paste Data files or Images to Hisense

If you need to copy paste a data file on your own Hisense, you will see that this is not very difficult. To accomplish this, you will have to utilize the File Manager application, which is already installed on the Hisense. Right after you have discovered the application, open it up and browse the directories to find the file to copy paste. Once the file is located, you must cut it by simply clicking it. After this you have to pick the icon to copy and choose in which directory you would like to paste the data file.