How to change wallpaper on Medion Life E4503

It sometimes happens that you desire to personalize your Medion Life E4503. To do this, it is possible to change the wallpaper of the Medion Life E4503. Indeed, you potentially are tired by the basic wallpaper of the cellphone. We will see on this page, that it is very simple to change the wallpaper of the Medion Life E4503. We will find out primarily, what are the two ways to change the wallpaper on Medion Life E4503. We will find out in a second step the right way to put a picture as wallpaper. Finally, for the more excessive, we will find out the best ways to put a GIF as wallpaper on Medion Life E4503.change-wallpaper-Medion-Life-E4503

Simple methods to change the wallpaper on Medion Life E4503

You will find two simple and easy solutions to change the wallpaper of your Medion Life E4503. One using the home screen and one using an application. It’s up to you to select the one you want to employ.

  • The first method will start with the Medion Life E4503 home-page. For that reason you will need to find a space on your home page where there is absolutely no icons and maintain pressing few seconds on the screen. A kind of menu will then appear on the Medion Life E4503 screen. On this menu, you have to click on Wallpaper. Now that you’re there, you’ll have a choice between Gallery and Wallpaper. Choose the Wallpaper selection if you would like to put a wallpaper who may be already on the Medion Life E4503. Go with Gallery if you prefer to put one of your photos.
  • The other technique is to install an application specialised in the management of wallpapers. This sort of application will allow for example to be able to auto-magically change wallpaper every hrs. An application like HD Wallpapers will do the trick. Simply install it and pick out the wallpaper you want for your Medion Life E4503

However, if you need to go further more in the customization of your Medion Life E4503, do not think twice to consult our tuto to install a theme on the Medion Life E4503.

Tips to set a picture as wallpaper on Medion Life E4503

If you would like to personalize your Medion Life E4503 by using a photo of your travels, close friends or family members, you will see that it is highly basic. Indeed, after being pressed a few seconds on the home screen, you must choose Wallpaper. Simply click Gallery and you will be capable to find all your photos. After that decide on the picture you want to establish as wallpaper on the Medion Life E4503. The moment it is done, you will have the ability to crop and resize the picture so that it suits the size of the screen of your Medion Life E4503. When it is completed, you merely need to confirm and it is done!

How you can put a GIF as wallpaper on Medion Life E4503

In the event that you expect a bit more animations, you might perhaps be pleased to discover that it will be possible to get a GIF as wallpaper on your Medion Life E4503. The best method to complete this is to use an application. We suggest that you utilize AnimGIF Live Wallpaper 2. Just after installing it, go to the wallpaper library and select the tab that bears the name of the application you just installed. All you need to do is pick out the GIF you prefer. Thus, if you go back to your home screen, it should certainly move.