Changing the theme of Meizu 16Xs is a great way to customize and increase the ergonomic of your cellphone. Definitely, if you are bored with the basic theme or when you are sick that your Meizu 16Xs is similar to all of those other phones, replacing the theme is a fantastic choice. When you change the theme of the Meizu 16Xs, that will allow you to change the interface of the cellphone by changing the menus, icons, widgets or fonts of writing. We will find 1st tips on how to change, apply and set the theme on Meizu 16Xs. We will find in a second point what is the main difference among a theme and a launcher in order to understand if a theme matches to your desires. Finally, we will find where it is simple to download free themes for the Meizu 16Xs.
Ways to change the theme of your Meizu 16Xs
It is possible on a certain amount of cell phones to change the theme by the parameters, but this solution is definitely limited by the amount of themes offered. For that reason we decided to present you how to install a theme on the Meizu 16Xs with a launcher. The launcher is an application that will allow you to install themes on the Meizu 16Xs. In our tutorial, we will work with Themer as it is basic to use and its variety of themes is important. To install Themer, nothing more easy, use the PlayStore and install it. As soon it’s completed, you will be able to launch the application and start browsing through the list of themes that are available. Now that you have determined the theme you like, only press Apply to start downloading and installing the theme in your Meizu 16Xs. Once the install is complete, you must go to the notifications bar and select the Themer icon to start configuring the theme you have picked. And after this, it’s completed ! You are able to change the theme again when you wish, employing the same procedure. If you need to change the wallpaper, check our tuto to change wallpaper on Meizu 16Xs.
The differentiation between a theme and a launcher
It is oftentimes slightly complicated to know the difference among a theme and a launcher, so we decided to provide some informations. By definition, the theme is the look of the cellphone’s interface. It can affect icons, colours, or even wallpapers. The launcher is a third-party application that replaces the interface of your Meizu 16Xs. Instead of modifying it as with a theme, the launcher is only a different interface.
Where could you get free themes for Meizu 16Xs
It is extremely easy to get free themes for your Meizu 16Xs. Basically pay a visit to the Playstore in the personalization category. You can then get a free theme package for the Meizu 16Xs. It’s up to you whether you’d like to install a theme or a launcher.