Add a photo to contacts on Honor X8

Adding a picture on the contacts of its Honor X8 will make the utilization of the cellphone significantly more pleasant. That’s right, it is usually more pleasurable observe a picture when you are called, than the usual simple name. Thus if you desire to see the pics of your dad, your sweetheart, your fiancee, or your mommy when they phone you, know that it’s easy to set up. In fact, we will see in this content ways to add a photo on the contacts of your Honor X8. We will learn in a second step if you are interested, methods to instantly assign pictures to your contacts.add-picture-contact-honor-x8

Add an image to a contact on your Honor X8

When you need to see the picture of the people who are calling you, you will see that it is actually manageable. To achieve this, you simply must go to the Contact application of your Honor X8. Now that you are there, you will need to search for the contact card on which you want to add a photo and open it there. When you are on the contact card, you will have the ability to modify the form by pressing on the pen icon located at the top right of your display screen. As soon you’re on the contact edit screen, select the avatar and your Honor X8 will then offer you two options: Take a photo directly or choose an existing photo . If you go for the first alternative, you only need to take a picture and then save. If you go for the second option, the Honor X8 will take you to the gallery of the telephone where you will just need to choose the right picture. When your selection is made, you can crop the image before clicking OK. All you have to do is save and it’s good! The picture will be shown the next time the contact calls you on your Honor X8. You can do the test to make sure all is functioning.

Automatically assign a photo to all contacts on your Honor X8

If you wish to put a picture on all your contact but you do not have the bravery to get it all manually ,, be aware that there is an application to do it instantly. In fact, there are apps such as Set Contact Photo which permit you to put a photo automatically to contacts. You wonder how little it functions? Well, this application will automatically look the profile photos displayed on the social networks of your contacts. Thus , if you’re interested, just download and install the application. You should then set the application by letting you guided by the instructions and the trick is played! All your contacts will have a photo on your Honor X8.