How to hide his number on Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro

If you desire to call somebody in a hidden number, you’ll have to hide the number on your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro. This way is quite beneficial because it enables you to call somebody without the person can recognize the number. Thus, when you want to call anonymously, it is possible to hide your number on your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro. To get this done, we will learn about that there are 3 different ways. We will see at first tips on how to hide his number via the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro settings. We’ll see in a second time tips on how to hide its number by adding a prefix. Finally, we will see which applications hide your number on your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro.hide-number-Xiaomi-Mi-9T-Pro

Hide the number via Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro settings

It will be possible on the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro to hide his number when calling somebody. For this, you will have to go to the settings menu of your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro. Once you’re there, you must go to the Calls tab, go to Advanced and finally Caller ID >. When you’re there, only check Hide Number to hide your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro number once you call. If you do not find these choices on your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro, there are other solutions that you can find below.

Hide the number with the addition of a prefix when you make the call from your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro

There is a quick and super easy solution to hide your number on Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro. Certainly, this way consists in adding a prefix once you dial the number of the recipient of the unknown call. The prefix notifies your operator that you don’t wish your number displayed. One example is, in case you put the # 31 # prefix before the number you wish to call, the number does not be known. Do not hesitate to take a test if you’re not confident! Do not hesitate to consult our guide if you wish to block hidden calls on your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro.

Try using an application to make hidden calls from your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro

If you want to call masked with your Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro, there are a few applications that can do it. These applications generally provide additional choices. Among them, you have the option to click on for every call if you wish to hide or not your number. You can actually even hide your number only for certain contacts. So, if you wish to use an application like this, we advise you to utilise Hide my number which is easy to utilise and works incredibly well. Just download and install the application, and let yourself be guided. You can after that make calls anonymously.